The stream also announced the launch of a beta this week. The beta will let players play at the top of their game within the maw WOTLK Gold . Director of games Ion Hazzikostas said the expansion is complete with features, however a lot of work remains to be completed. The beta version will give players the first look at the game's endgame, and from in the next week Blizzard will be issuing more invitations.
The livestream also revealed a Shadowlands Collector's edition that includes many special items. It comes with cover art that has effect of lenticular, a huge paper book of art, a mouse pad and collector's collection pin set, alongside digital goods such as a new pet in addition to 30 days game time.
The main focus of Shadowlands is on four Covenants. You'll be able to play with each, but when you select one, you'll be able to access a large amount of faction-specific content. Each Covenant will get a full max-level story-driven campaign of their own, with a range of particular features.
According to the Covenant you choose you can depending on the Covenant you choose, you can "soulbinds" which are powerful souls. This will result in a new upgrade pathway. Every Covenant is in need of Anima and acquiring it in a weekly basis can help you gain renown within that faction. Each Covenant has a base of operations called the Sanctum. You can upgrade your Sanctums for more options.
These include things such as transport networks to make your own Covenant's space feel more at home unlike other areas. It is also possible to buy WOW WOTLK Classic Gold restore the Anima network to conduct energy, and unlock quests and rewards. In addition, it will launch Scouting Map, a new feature. Scouting Map, an extension of the existing mission system.